Price calculator
A website with some information on my business and a contact form. I do not have many resources to update it and a simple web for describing my company and its products and services is enough.
A full-equipped website that adds a CMS (for blogging, news, new services, image galleries, content categorization, multiple authors and privileges…
A complete store for e-commerce. Products, orders, delivery zones, prices, taxes, payment options, special offers, sales and discounts, automatic mails……
Custom development: Integration with third-party systemas, changes in your custom design /layout, migrations, intranets, payment methods…
I already have a website and just want to see an estimation of the other services you provide.
All the websites include the services listed on the right.
We also provide maintenance services for the websites we make.
Graphic Design, photos and videos
I have more than 50 pictures of my business and products that I want to include. This service is used when you have a bigger number than the 50 units of photo treatment we include by default or if you want to include them on your own website.
I do not have enough pictures of my company and products/services and I want you to search for them and buy the necessary licences.
I need to take some pictures of my company and products.
I have several videos and I want you to edit them and create a new one specifically for the website.
I want a corporate video, or a video on our products.
Domain names and Hosting
I need you to select an adequate domain name for my business (naming ).
I want a domain name that is in use by someone else. I need you to check if we can buy it and negotiate the price.
Due to our business politics or the needs of our project, I need you to search for a hosting provider with the conditions we will tell you.
I do not have my texts prepared for the web language and I’d rather you write them down following my guidelines.
I want something more than the initial optimization you provide. Due to our location or the complexity of our market, I need a deeper study on how to place my website on different search engines.
I want you to define a campaign for search engines. If you also want us to manage the campaigns, we count on professional partners that will do it at a reasonable price.
I am not sure if I have to be on facebook, tiktok, instagram, twitter and all that. I want you to tell me on which network I should be and how I should be there (just with ads, with specific campaigns, with a community manager…)
I want you to implement the strategy on social networks according to the budget available.
Other service (training, PM, consulting and legal)
I want to validate our website and our global web presence or I want to adapt my current strategy. I need a report to see my situation and the points of improvement.
On-site training on your website’s managementI have some people in my staff who will be managing the website and, besides the instructions you provide with your projects, I want you to train them in our offices. The price includes 3 sessions and remote assistance during the next 2 weeks.
I need some training to improve our presence on the Internet (usability and design, social networks and vertical publications, online marketing…) The price is for a 4-hour session of training.
I want to adapt my web to the legal framework and I want you to make the terms of use and all the necessary stuff. These services are provided by associate lawyers specialised in IT and web projects.
Write to us or give us a call and we’ll define the tasks and services that fit the most with your needs and resources.
- Design, programming and installation.
- Domain name acquisition (if you don’t have one yet).
- Hosting selection (according to the kind of web, email accounts …)
- Initial optimization for search engines (SEO).
- Instructions for managing the website on your own.
- Free remote support during two weeks.
The prices shown are a previous approach and are not binding. They will be established in a custom proposal that we’ll make according to your budget.
If you have a start-up or just decided to launch your business online,
We have special fees to help you in your project !